Young Adult Daily Life (YADL) Study

Welcome to the Young Adult Daily Life (YADL) Study!

YADL (conducted by the University of Michigan) seeks to learn more about alcohol use behaviors (including non-use) and the transition to adulthood. We need your ideas and perspectives to be included - because of the scientific sampling methods we use, your answers to our survey questions represent thousands of other young adults! As a thank you for your time in answering the surveys, you can earn up to $400 for participating in the full YADL survey: up to $100 a year for 4 years.

Participating in YADL is completely voluntary; all of your answers will be kept confidential (a special Certificate of Confidentiality from the U.S. government guarantees our ability to keep all data completely confidential). Your answers to the survey questions are never connected with your contact information (name, address, email or phone number). You can skip any question you do not wish to answer on any survey by clicking the "Next" button, but we hope you will complete each survey.

For additional information about YADL, help with completing the online surveys, or to request paper surveys, please contact us at, or 1-855-415-9295.

Thanks so much for being a vital part of this important research!